Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Happy Birthday Gavin

Dear Gavin,
Happy 4th Birthday BIG BOY!
Just saying your name makes me chuckle. You are by far a light to all those around you.You have such a unique mixture of traits; sweet, loving, sassy, funny, energetic, charismatic, sneaky, flirtatious, sensitive, stubborn, feisty, intelligent, empathetic, caring, extroverted yet at times shy. You are such a joy to have in our lives. From the day you were born you have kept us all smiling and laughing with your raspy little voice and antics. As a baby, your chubby cheeks and rolly-polly thighs and arms were my favorite things and now I look at you and my eyes fill up with tears because you are such a big boy.
Four years old today, where did my chubby little rascal go who used to scream between bites of baby food because I couldn't shovel it into your mouth fast enough? Or the little boy who would vivaciously jump up and down in his crib every morning laughing until we came and picked him up and int he meantime wore his bumper pads next to nothing. Or the little baby who on the day we brought Eli home from the hospital said in his raspy voice (with pacifier still in I might add), "Daddy baby Eeeeeli"! These memories have been replaced with this outstanding young boy who everyday makes me crazy and yet so very proud to call myself his Mommy.
Gavin, as your Mommy I want you to know that you are a gift from God. You are an amazing son and big brother, who daily shows us love in the most genuine from. Your compassion and protective nature for Elijah is admirable. My heart swells with pride and admiration at the boy you have become and the man I know and desire you to be. I pray that the Lord would be a constant working in your life and that as you grow you would seek after Him and strive to be the man He has woven you to be. We love you so much!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Let me just start this post by saying how much Gavin loves "His" Camden. They met at Gavin's old school and hit it off and all I can say is, "WOW"!!! They are two of the silliest kids ever! The two of them have their adult like conversations, sit together, and non stop laughing. Since Gavin and Camden will not be at the same school anymore, her mother and I knew it was a matter of time before we had to re-unite! Enjoy the pics of their summer fun!

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Cali Part 1
So as we ventured off to Cali, we were blessed enought to be able to stop and stay in Phoenix to spend some time with some amazing people. First off, I was able to vist and stay with one of my best friends from college and sorority, Randi and her family. It was so awesome to see her in person and be able to give her a HUGE hug. I have missed her terribly and sometimes our frequent phone calls leave alot to be desired. Randi's little girl Ryann and Gavin hit it off and of course were BFF within minutes.
We also were able to meet up with our friends the LaFlamme's. Kelly and I went to high school together and got re-connected over the internet and our friendship has blossomed from there. Both of our children face challenges in regards to their health and to make a LOOOOONG story short, both her daughter Kylie and Elijah have Mitochondrial Disease. Who would have thought that we would have reconnected after all these years and to have such a unique connection. Her family and her friendship is and has been a huge blessing not only to me but to my family.
Overall, I left Phoenix feeling like a lucky girl to have two such amazing girls in my life that are more like family than friends. Love you Owsley's and LaFlamme's!!
Kelly and I
Love you
Hi Babe! I know its late coming but I wanted to wish you a Happy 7 yr Wedding Anniversary! I cant believe we have been married 7 yrs and have two amazing little boys to share our lives with. We have been through SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much, and through it all, you have always been my rock and my best friend. Thank you for loving me so much, for being patient with my sensative and goofy ways, and for loving our family so deeply. Your love for me, our boys and the Lord is something to be respected and appreciated. We love you so very much and I look forward to many more years of driving you batty! LOL! Love you babe!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bday Bash
We recently celebrated our friend Josh's 30th birthday bash! It was Lueau ( totaly butchered the spelling) them so it was so fun dressing up! The kiddos had a blast seeing their little friends and of course we always enjoy the time that we get to spend with our dear friends, Jamie and Josh! Happy 30th Joshie!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Gavin David
Mike took these funny pictures of Gavin before he headed to school for one of his last weeks at Kidz World.He insisted on dressing himself, I might have to add he did a good job minus the cheesy demeanor! He is such a ray of sunshine and always seems to make me laugh. His sweet, gentle and caring nature is something to be admired. I'm in shock that before we know it he is going to be 4yrs old!!! YIKES!!! That is too big boy for my likings! You are one special and very loved little boy Gavin David!!!

Kenny Chesney
So what can I say other than this concernt was amazing!!! Kenny came out to where we were all tailgating and jumped into the hot tub that we were sitting next to, and along the way grabbed my friend Michelle's hand =) It was one of those moments that you will never forget! Im just excited that I was able to be apart of it!

Friday, May 8, 2009
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