Friday, November 21, 2008

Flashback Fri.


GAVIN DAVID 2 months

Gavin 7 months

Thursday, November 13, 2008

So Proud

Gavin is always wanting to help Elijah with all of the little tasks that he is learning to do. Elijah is now learning to drink from a straw and Gavin wanted so badly to help his brother. In my mind I'm thinking, ok this is going to be a disaster and I'm going to have to change two outfits instead of one, but Gavin did so very good and was so patient and sweet to Elijah. He sat there the whole time helping Elijah put the straw in his mouth and encouraging him to drink. It was seriously the sweetest thing ever! They love each other and I'm so very proud of them!

Here is Gavin helping Elijah...

...AND then here is Gavin helping himself! LOL!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bailey Trip

Mike's childhood best friend since the 9Th grade, Bailey, came out to Texas finally!!!! j/k We had a great time with him showing him the sites, visiting some parades, parks, yummy TX BBQ, sadly a hospital visit for Eli where he did a great job occupying Gav man and a huge support for us. The best is that he and Mike played I don't even know how many countless hours of Tiger Woods Golf, dorks!
Bailey went home today, sniff sniff. We are going to miss him terribly but look forward to seeing him soon. We love you Uncle Bailey!

Monday, November 3, 2008


We had such a great Halloween! The kids ate pizza and we trick-or-treated and then hung out in our front yard watching the kids play and hand out candy. It was a great night and so funny to see the kids be so independent and into walking up to the front doors to get candy. So much fun!
Tatum (fisherman), Gavin (air force pilot a.k.a Iceman), Elijah and Sam(monkeys), Jack (army man) Emily (kitty cat) and Jobe is in the back hiding from camera, he was a dinosaur