Mike's childhood best friend since the 9Th grade, Bailey, came out to Texas finally!!!! j/k We had a great time with him showing him the sites, visiting some parades, parks, yummy TX BBQ, sadly a hospital visit for Eli where he did a great job occupying Gav man and a huge support for us. The best is that he and Mike played I don't even know how many countless hours of Tiger Woods Golf, dorks!
Bailey went home today, sniff sniff. We are going to miss him terribly but look forward to seeing him soon. We love you Uncle Bailey!

Yeah! Their is another Bailey who is a man out there. Bai needs reassurance he doesn't have a girl name or a dog name. haha I just showed him your friends picture and he was glad to see another Bailey out there. Glad you keep getting to share visits with old friends! The boys are as cute as ever.
The last picture is just priceless! Brotherly love is so obvious.....I think Gray needs a little sibling. I love looking at all your pics!
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