I have completely come to the realization that with each passing kid, they suck away your brain power! I feel like the mornings are crazy enough getting us all up, showered, dressed, fed, Gavin off to school and Elijah ready for morning therapy. The only thing I have to keep me going so to speak and energize me is my amazing cup of coffee. The other morning I poured my cup of piping hot coffee and then somewhere along the way of picking up a sippee cup that Elijah chucked across the kitchen as a statement of wanting more pancakes, or Gavin pop-quizzing me as to what is in his lunch, or the puppies attempting to break through the glass on the backdoor, I neglected my precious cup of coffee.
I saw it sitting there oh-so-lonely on the counter, now cold. I thought to myself, "Urrr!" and decided to re-heat my coffee. Again, somewhere along the way some other life altering event occur ed and I forgot where I placed my coffee...did I drink it???Hmmm??? I must have drank it? To sum up this story, I went to heat Elijahs raviolis (FOR HIS DINNER SNACK I MIGHT ADD) and low and behold, there is my full cup of coffee. Sitting in the microwave, cold and neglected. WOW! I'm losing it!

OMG i do that all the time!!!! When i start dinner is when i usually find it sitting in the microwave!!! :o)
It's definitely "mommy brain"! I swear that Sadie has at least 1/2 of my brain because I do that kind of stuff all the time. I don't know what's gonna happen to me when we have another! Scary!
LOL that has happened to me too! I even misplace my coffee in my classroom & my students have to find it for me!
LOL I'm there with you on the lost mind :D
You are too funny...amazing that you keep your sense of humor with all the chaos! Hope all is well!
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