Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Insane Day
The real kicker was today. Have you ever heard the expression "woke up on the wrong side of the bed"? Well, Gavin must have done a roll, two somersaults and a back flip off his bed today!!!Mike and I were shaking our heads and couldn't figure out what his deal was. So, before lunch he had been whiny all morning and then I thought well he likes apples lets give him an apple. He agreed gleefully I might add and then I go to hand it to him, and he starts crying saying "I no like apples they are icky mommy"! I replied with, " Gavin you are seriously driving Mommy BONKERS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So here's the funny part I swear. He runs from the kitchen, into Mike's office where Mike is working and yells out while he is crying, " I NO BONKERS DADDY! I NO BONKERS!!!!!!" We both lost it laughing. That didn't help the situation, but either we laugh or we lose it.
Anyhow, that has been my insane toddler day! Enjoy!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Joy & Fun
Hi Friends and Family! We have been settling in to the now warmer weather here in Texas. A few good storms, and alot of yard work!! =) We recently planted some flowers in the front yard, or shall I say I placed the flowers where I wanted them and Mike planted them. I'm not a fan of creatures that crawl. It looks pretty and we are gearing up for the summer months ahead.
With the warmer months approaching we bought a little plastic pool for the boys to play in. We thought they would have lots of fun, however, we did not intend it to become Rusty's pool as well. Gavin laughs and laughs because Rusty splashes around in the pool with him trying to get the cars that Gavin has decided to dump in there ( that is after Mommy said "no" but as you can see I did not win that battle). Gavin is doing great in school and loves his classmates and teachers. It is funny picking him up from school because he seems so big boy and all the little girls in his class walk him out and they are all chiming "Bye Gavin, bye Gavin, see you tomorrow"! So cute!
As far as the rest of us Bullards, we have all been busy with school, work, Monday night softball games, bible studies, and the biggest event of all is that Elijah sitting up on his own!!!!!!! Can you believe it!!!! He could sit with some assistance, but now he sits on his own and he can get himself from a laying position to a sitting position all by himself.We were so excited we didn't know what to do, and Elijah saw our excitement and started laughing. I would probably laugh too if I were him. We looked like a family of spazes cheering him on.=) Gavin cheered for his little brother and told him "Good job Eli"! We were just so excited for him.
I remember a conversation that Mike and I had recently with his pediatrician, (his pediatrician also has a special needs child) who said, that when you have a child who has special needs, watching them hit their milestones is such a joyful experience. Not that you are not excited for your other children when they accomplish such events, but it is the knowing and understanding of the great obstacles that are before them that they had to overcome to get to this point.That is what I felt, pure JOY! I wanted to laugh and cry all at the same time because I know what it has taken for him to get to this point. All of the countless hours of therapy that he goes through weekly, and it has paid off! We couldnt be happier.
We have been discussing joy in our women's bible study Thursday nights. We have been focusing on the different types of joy, but either way, they have been portraying a type of joy that only the Lord can provide. A joy that fills your heart and spirit, and this week I thought to myself "Wow! I would love to feel that kind of joy" and now I have. God is so good!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
California Fun
Hello! Well I just returned back to Texas from an amazing couple of days back home in Sunny California! I ran around for a few days like a complete spaz trying to catch up and visit with as many friends and family as I could in the short amount of time I had. However, I was childless so that did help! The big event of my weekend was that my very dear friend Adriane ( I.M.B., he!he!) had her bridal shower. The shower was held at a tea house in Brea and it was wonderful. She looked as beautiful as ever and it was MUCH MUCH needed time spent with my very best girlfriends. I already miss them terribly, but I look forward to seeing them all in May for Adriane's wedding on the 24th! Wahoo! The entire Bullard family will be flying into California for the big event as I am in the wedding and we decided to make a vacation out of it! We cant wait and we look forward to seeing all of our family and friends as we miss them tons! Love you all!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Elijah's 1st Bday
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Toddler Joy!
So I had just gotten Elijah and Gavin to take a nap, or so I thought. I decided to do some picking up and then I was going to "attempt" to take a shower.( Showers are so overrated by the way=))As I was putting around I heard the chime on the backdoor that alerts when the door has been opened. At first I thought maybe it was Mike, then when I opened the backdoor I saw the real culprit, Gavin David Bullard. Gavin had taken matters into his own hands and decided that he no longer needed to nap. Might I add it had been like 30min. He gleefully looked at me in his diaper and boots and said, " Mommy! I AWAKE"! I thought, really...hmmmm......who would have thought! Ugh! Just when you think that you are going to get a break